Despues de tanto tiempo sin postear nada, aqui estoy de nuevo con el tercer disco de estos "abuelos". Me atreveria a decir que es incluso mejor que el primero. "Old, Fast, Loud!". Lo dicen ellos y yo no voy a llevarles la contraria.
Este es el primer disco que ripeo directamente de vinilo al ordenador. Espero haberlo hecho bien, pero si alguien tiene consejos que dar sobre como hacerlo mejor seran bienvenidos.
After so many time without post anything, here i'm again whit the 3rd lp by this "grandfathers". I'll even dare to say that it's even better than the first one. "Old, Fast, Loud!". They say it and i'm not gonna to say the opposite
This is the first vinyl i rip directly to the PC. I hope to have done it well, but anyone with good advices on how to do it better will be very welcomed
Artist : Geriatric Unit
Album : Distance And Damage LP
Source : CD
Year : 2008
Genre : Hardcore
Label : Boss Tuneage Records
ID : BTRC12-027
Encoder : J River Media Center 12.0.514
Codec : lame 3.97 -V 0 --vbr-new
Quality : VBR, average 274kbps, joint stereo
ID3-Tag : Yes, Version 1 & 2.3
Included : Info-File (NFO)
Check File (SFV)
Playlist (M3U)
01 (0:39) Hell Is Just Too Good For You
02 (1:25) The Reason Why Life Is Shit
03 (1:08) Peace Of Mind
04 (1:40) Inclusion Exclusion
05 (1:02) At Least Not Today
06 (1:01) Too Many Chances
07 (0:35) Nervous Wreck
08 (1:27) Distance And Damage
09 (1:18) Don't Want To Be Young Again
10 (0:48) Secret Imposter
11 (1:28) Second-Hand Ideas
12 (1:18) Caved In Mess
Playing Time : 13:49
Total Size : 27,4 MB
mp3 VO
The follow up to last years 'Life Half Over', their third release and second one with Bosstuneage. Easily their best so far and these 12 tracks prove it and showing that even the old boys get better with age. Totally fast, un adultered and uncompromising hardcore, that is straight to the point with no apologies given. Just think of the best bands you can think of in hardcore; NEGATIVE APPROACH, POISON IDEA, NECROS etc and you'll get the idea. I love the vocals, in that they are just an adrenalin rush of pent up fury, thundering guitar riffage, bass licks and drumming all which are top notch. The recording/production on this is fantastic as you can hear everything clearly and that is crucial in this day and age, plus having a good sound only adds to this already explosive force. The lyrics complement the music, in your face, angry and definitely no let up. It's old, it's fast and it's definitely loud. Absolutely fantastic, if you aren't slightly interested in getting this - then fuck off to the old people's home. (
Geriatric Unit - Distance And Damage
I’ll keep this short and to the point, because that’s exactly how Geriatric Unit keep their tunes. In fact, that’s how they keep the entirety of Distance and Damage - which may include an album-esque quota of twelve tunes, but manages to rattle through them all in well under quarter of an hour.
“Old-Fast-Loud!” reads the strapline on the rear sleeve of my review copy, and that just about sums it up. Geriatric Unit are a veteran supergroup of UK hardcore punk musicians - and when I say hardcore punk, I don’t mean the skinny-trousered haircut warriors who’ve reappropriated the term of late. Written and performed by former members of bands like Iron Monkey, Heresy and Hard to Swallow, Distance And Damage makes no concessions to fashion. And - unless you’re an aficionado of the sound already - it doesn’t make any concessions to accessibility either.
Indeed, Distance And Damage is the sound of older musicians who’ve come to accept their age (hence the band name, and songs like “Don’t Want To Be Young Again”) but who don’t see that as any reason to go back on the principles that hardcore was originally built upon. Geriatric Unit have all the channelled fury of a younger act, but tempered with the wisdom of experience.
For listeners not accustomed to the old hardcore style, it might be interesting to see Distance And Damage as capturing the sound that provides the link between punk and thrash metal: the frantic pace, driven by eighth-note snares; the simple direct lyrics, shrieked or bellowed or howled. Thrash took this template and added showy virtuosity and progressive arrangements, but Geriatric Unit are quite content with four chords, one chorus and a handful of verses per song, all hammered out at a BPM that would make a gabba DJ wince.
In short, Distance And Damage is not fun, friendly or fashionable… and I’m confident Geriatric Unit themselves would agree with me on all three counts, because they’ve quite deliberately made it that way. As such, the white-belts-and-box-fresh-hats brigade won’t be interested, but the hardcore of hardcore - the older guys who never let their ideals die - will hear this and itch for the push and shove of the pit. Stand well clear, or risk more than bruises. (
Hace 10 horas
6 comentarios:
Me lo bajo.
Lo vi en la distri de Trabuc, pero me compré otras cositas (jeje).
Eskerrik asko
Joder hacia ya tiempo que no actualizabas. Haber si lo bajo y lo podemos poner en el programa de radio.
Mientras tanto te dejo otra "joya". Por lo menos es short fast y loud
I keep coming back to your blog every time to check it out, this is one kick ass LP. I got it already, but I just got to say that these guys bring back 'the old feeling' you know?
Puts so much new stuff to complete shame, I am the same age as these guys as can relate to the lyrcis very much.
Great job, keep it up! :) HERESY!
Hey man, did you hear GxUx has finished recording material for 2xnew 7" records, can't wait for that huh? Me either!
Keep up the great work :) HERESY!
Alan exmorbidroadie
thanks for your comments.
I'll be waiting for that new release by G.U.
Fuck this is really good. I would never know about these guys if not for you. Your blog kicks ass.
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